LiNbO3 crystals are widely used as frequency doubling for wavelengths >1μm and optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) pumped at 1064 nm as well as quasi-phase-matched (QPM) devices. Due to their large Electro-Optic(E-O) and Acousto-Optic (A-O) coefficients. 
LiNbO3 crystals are the most commonly used material for pockel cells, Q-switches and phase modulators, waveguide substrates, surface acoustic wave (SAW) wafers, etc.

Physical and Optical Properties:

Crystal Structure Trigonal, space group R3c
Cell Parameters a=0.515,c=13.863,Z=6
Melting Point 1255 +/-5℃
Curie Point 1140 +/-5℃
Mohs Hardness 5
Density 4.64 g/cm 3
Absorption Coefficient ~ 0.1%/cm @ 1064 nm
Solubility: insoluble in H2O
Relative Dielectric Constant εT11/ε0: 85 
Thermal Expansion Coefficients at 25℃ ||a, 2.0 x 10 -6/K @ 25℃ 
||c, 2.2 x 10 -6/K @ 25℃
Thermal Conductivity 38 W /m /K @ 25℃


Transparency Range 420 - 5200 nm
Refractive Indices n e = 2.146, n o = 2.220 @ 1300 nm 
e = 2.156, n o = 2.322 @ 1064 nm 
= 2.203, n o = 2.286 @ 632.8 m
Optical Homogeneity ~ 5 x 10 -5 /cm
Sellmeier Equations( l in m m) o 2 (l ) = 4.9048+0.11768/(l2- 0.04750) - 0.027169l2
e 2 ( l) = 4.5820+0.099169/( l2 - 0.04443) - 0.021950 l2