The 10RP42-2 Achromatic Zero-order Wave Plate has λ/2 retardation over a 720 nm center wavelength. The standard 25.4 mm outer diameter is convenient for mounting into Newport rotary mounts. It is designed to operate with a high degree of retardation accuracy over a broad wavelength range. This 1 inch diameter true zero-order wave plate is constructed using a stack of birefringent polymer films laminated between two high-precision BK 7 windows, each with a high efficiency, broadband antireflection coating. This construction ensures excellent transmitted wavefront quality, while minimizing beam deviation and surface reflection losses. The assembly is mounted in a black anodized aluminum housing for protection and ease of mounting, with the retarder fast axis marked for alignment reference. Achromatic polymer wave plates have better angular acceptance and less sensitivity to wavelength change than achromatic quartz–MgF2 wave plates. Retardation changes by less than 1% over a ±7° incidence angle and is maintained to better than ±λ/100 over the entire bandwidth. Optical transmittance varies slightly from the precision zero-order wave plates because several polymer layers are used in each achromatic wave plate.

10 rp42-2消色差零级波片λ/ 2阻滞了720纳米中心波长。标准的25.4毫米外径便于安装到新港旋转安装。它被设计成在宽波长范围内具有很高的延迟精度。这个1英寸直径的真正的零阶波板是由两个高精度bk7窗口之间叠层的双折射聚合物薄膜构成的,每个窗口都有一个高效的宽带防反射涂层。这种结构保证了优良的传输波前质量,同时最小化了光束偏差和表面反射损失。为了保护和便于安装,总成安装在黑色阳极氧化铝外壳中,减速机快轴标记为校准参考。消色差聚合物波板比消色差石英- mgf2波板具有更好的角度接受性和更小的波长变化敏感性。缺陷变化小于1%±7°入射角和维护比±λ/ 100在整个带宽。由于每个消色差波板中都使用了若干聚合物层,因此透射率与精密零阶波板略有不同。