The R-33361 Green HeNe Laser generates a 500:1 linearly polarized output of 1.5 mW (minimum) at 543 nm. Longitudinal mode frequency is approximately 303 MHz. Utilizing enhanced designs and superior optical components these HeNe lasers deliver unsurpassed operational stability and lifetimes. The mirror quality and performances are optimized to result in the highest quality HeNe lasers available in the market. These high-performance lasers are supported by a one-year warranty and are available off-the-shelf. CE compliant, Class 3R.The power supply is included.

R-33361绿色HeNe激光器在543 nm处产生了500:1线性极化输出1.5 mW(最小)。纵向模态频率约为303mhz。利用增强的设计和卓越的光学元件,这些HeNe激光器提供了无与伦比的运行稳定性和寿命。镜子的质量和性能得到优化,从而得到市场上最高质量的HeNe激光器。这些高性能激光器有一年的保修期,可以现货供应。符合CE标准,3R级。包括电源。