


Balanced Photodiode Receiver

Fast Double Compareable Photodiode Receiver


Sacher Lasertechnik developed an excellent balanced receiver which eliminates almost all noise from the spectroscopic analysis. This tool should not miss in any spectroscopy laboratory.

Spectroscopic methods are sensitive to flucuations of the output power of the laser system. A very powerful tool to overcome power flucuations and noise contributions of the driving laser system is to use a balanced receiver. A concept for overcoming the described power fluctuations is to compare instantaneously the original power of the driving laser system with the laser power after passing the absorption line. This is realized by a balanced receiver. Balanced receivers consist in principle of two photo diodes and an internal differential amplifier which compares the signal of both photodiodes. A typical setup for locking the wavelenght / frequency of diodelaser is shown in following figure

Technical Details